What do everybody think of exams ?? Pressurized , something that makes yourself crazy or fun ??
Actually , I think that exams can build up your human character , like maths can make you more careful and alert . Besides that , examinations are just to test how can you put the things that you had learn in class into the test .
A few weeks before examination starts , students feel pressurized and study as hard as they can . But just remember one thing , marks are not so important compared to the knowledge & experience you gain . " If you can pressurized yourself , why can't you relax yourself . Pressure may make you feel troubled but pressure will also make you improve and become better . "
Laziness is also the main cause of students that are pressurized.....Remember " The process is what you gain and the results are what you create . " This is also one of the mistakes that you have cause....Please know that " One who don't know his mistakes tend to repeat it ."
I've a friend that don't know how to release his pressure....In the end , he didn't come to school for a month....This tells us "When you're facing trouble , what will you do ?? Face it , run for it
or change it ..." Who knows in the end this trouble will make you to a better person and have a better character .
"Pressure is something flexible , you can convert it to anything you want .......Happiness or Sadness , its your choice.....
What would you choose??
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